Not one post in September ...that means either not much happened or too much happened and I never had time to blog about it.
Too much is still happening. October is week in and my head is spinning.
The girls are in Kindergarten...its half day...which is both good and bad. It is nice to have them home with me, but its also annoying to try and keep them occupied. We spend most of our late afternoons in the car running to ice skating, dance, science club etc.
I have been working a bit more, thankfully the unit has been usy so they have needed the help. But even one night shift a week can send me into a tailspin and I play catch up for awhile.
The girls birthday is coming up and with that comes the PARTY! They are excited. We also have plans to take them to American Girl in NYC so that should e alot of fun and I'll post all about it.
I really want to get back to regular postings on the blog, to record some of the daily stuff that goes on, one day I know I will want to look back and remember these CRAZY days!