Motherhood is alot like that Bill Murray movie: Groundhog day..where the same day happens over and over again.
Consider this:
Today I woke up at 622am....Like I did yesterday.
The sounds I heard were Maeve pulling books of her shelves, since her older sisters rescued her from the crib.
(Like yesterday)
I reluctantly pull back the covers, tell David I get the shower first and head out to the bath.
(Like I did yesterday)
After the quickest shower ever. Its time to get the girls dressed for school. They complain about the clothing choices (like they did yesterday) I scoop up Maeve and quickly change the diaper and then head downstairs for my beloved cup of Joe.
(just like I do every day)
While I wait for the coffee to brew, I fill the sippy cup and get out the cereal bowls and spoons. I also need to put David's dinner dishes in the dishwasher, since he never does. (Oh, and that is just like I did yesterday, every freaking day actually)
Maeve and I now are back at home, Mickey Mouse clubhouse is on and I start the chores. Make the beds, collect the dirty laundry, wipe the toothpaste off of the sink...blah, blah, blah. (Remember its just like the day before)
Maeve comes to find me, the show must be over and it is snack time..its only 923am. (just like the day before)
Throw in an errand or some other random nonsense and it brings us to Kindergarten pick up time. Its only 1115am (just like yesterday)
Lunch, homework, TV time, coloring, crafts....let's bake a cake...Maeve takes a nap...shhh, don't wake your sister..This comprises the afternoon agenda..(Just like the day before)
Maeve is awake, how did that go so fast?...playtime for some books, clean some more mess, color again, you need another snack??
Its now 444pm...dinner gets to the husband..what time will you be in? 630pm cannot come soon enough. (just like yesterday)
Please eat your dinner, put your dishes in the party time...(Didn't we do this yesterday?)
Up to the baths, brush your teeth better than that..2 stories each..its 730pm and husband is still not home. (Just like yesterday)
Daddy is home ..we eat in peace..clean up the kitchen again...collapse on the couch..he reads the paper (just like the day before) and I'm on the laptop. (just like yesterday)
I fight to keep my eyes open its 937pm...Crawl up to bed, tuck the girls in and kiss their sweet heads...(just like the day before)
In the morning I will wake up and do it over again and again and again....until I guess I won't have to anymore..
That is my Groundhog Day...and I wouldn't change it for anything..
(Except maybe the dishes part.)