Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thankful Thanksgiving

Besides the obvious things like my kids and food on the table there are some things that I am truly thankful for..

1. Shop rite online grocery shopping..need I say more. It is heaven sent.

2. Drive thru Starbucks

3. Marcia~ my cleaning lady

4. OPI color gels---seriously this manicure lasts 2 weeks.

5. The googoo dolls---I love them

6. Keurig coffee machine

7. Chicken nuggets

And last but not least I am truly thankful for


Have a happy Thanksgiving..gobble gobble

Friday, November 19, 2010

Great Giveaway!

One of my favorite blogs to read is Lisa Leonard. Lisa also makes incredible stamped jewelry. She is sponsoring a great giveaway right now, so head on over for your chance to win!

Lisa Leonard Online

Good luck!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

16 months

Maeve, you are 16 months old! How is that even possible? It seems overnight you changed from a tiny baby who spent most days in a baby carrier to now...a happy toddler into EVERYTHING!

You now weigh just 20 pounds, you are a little petite peanut!
You wear a size 3 diaper and most clothes are 12-18 months and a size 5 shoe!

You are into everything. I was worried about you walking late (almost 14 months) and now you practically run everywhere. Your most favorite thing to do is go in your sisters room and pull every single book off the shelves and pull their clothes out of their drawers! FUN TIMES..

You are a good eater and your favorites are mac and cheese, meatballs, ziti. Every morning for breakfast you have cinnamon toast, followed by most of your Daddy's cereal.

You are a daddy's girl and you go crazy when he comes in from work. Which is nice for me....its a good break!

You are down to 1 nap a day, and if I time it right you can sleep over 2 hours sometimes. Bedtime is getting tougher now, you like to be held and rocked and we just recently started letting you settle on your own.

You are such a good little girl and so happy. Your big sisters love you so much and play so nicely with you (even though you steal all their things!)

It makes me sad sometimes to see you getting big, but each age comes with its own set of happy times!

We love you Maeve!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The girls have been letting their hair grow since the summer. Sadly, they were not blessed with thick, wavy hair like me, thankyouverymuch. Their hair is straight, wispy and thin. They need it shorter to give it some life. I convinced Olivia to get it cut. Ava wanted no part of it. She declared she was growing her hair long. So, off we went Livi and I to Zig Zag salon. The nice stylist, propped Livi up in the booster seat and gave her a proper shampoo and condition. She was thrilled. The stylist began cutting and shaping and a mere 15 minutes later my little girl had a shoulder length bob with some long layers for volume. She look so polished and GROWN up. Most importantly, she loved it. As she skipped out of the salon, she told me how great it felt. Upon our arrival at home, Livi ran to show her twin her new do.

And within seconds, Ava announced she wanted her hair cut EXACTLY the same way.