Maeve is 10 months old!!
Where does the time go? So what are you up to these days?
You weigh about 17 pounds, you are a peanut!!
You wear a size 3 diaper and are in 9 month clothing.
You love to eat!! Mostly all table food now. You will try anything! Favorites include avocado, cheese, yogurt, veggie puffs, cheerios, and peaches. You are a pro at the sippy cup now too. You take 3 bottles a day and are now officially weaned.
You sleep great at night now almost 12 hours straight. You like a morning nap but afternoon naps are harder, mostly because we are always on the go with your big sisters.
You are a happy little girl and get so excited to see your sisters. You have the best giggle and are just a joy to be around.
You are just starting to get around----doing the "army" crawl and can pull yourself up and roll EVERYWHERE!!! You love your toys and your most favorite is the Barbie cell phone!!
You have added such happiness to our little family. We could not love you more!!
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