100 Things About Me
1.) I have a master's degree in Nursing and graduated when the girls were almost 2 years old
2.) I'm a huge procrastinator.
3.) I love Coca Cola.
4.) I have 1 brother who I adore
5.) My mom's name is French: Vivienne Lenore..very fancy
6.) I played with barbies until 8th grade...a tad too long
7.) I love to cook and eat!
8.) I would love to learn the violin
9.) My mom is the strongest person I know
10.) I am right handed.
11.) I love to sing and I think I am really good
12.) I do not know how to play checkers
13.) My middle name is Anne
14.) I make a killer marinara sauce
15.) I like to do crafty things
16.) My favorite store is Target
17.) David and I met in a bar in 1996
18.) I knew that night that he was the marrying kind
19.) We honeymooned in Australia and it was amazing
20.) I can tell alot about a person the first time I meet them
21.) I will try anything once
22.) It is a running joke in my family that I can cry every day if prompted
23.) I love David more and more each day, even though we bicker
24.) I am a loyal friend
25.) I secretly want to be a hair dresser
26.) I am afraid of escalators.
27.) I went scuba diving on the Great Barrier reef
28.) I have never been to Niagara Falls
29.) I am a first generation American
30.) I am very independent
31.) I hate watching organized sports on TV
32.) I have never been to a professional sporting event
33.) I am not a fan of spicy food
34.) I love watching the news
35.) I love classic rock
36.) Christmas is my favorite holiday.
37.) I drink milk every day
38.) Becoming a nurse was the 2nd best decision I made, becoming a mom the best
39.) I love being a mommy to girly girls
40.) I detest bad spelling
41.) Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite
42.) My dad is still my hero
43.) My mom still lives in the house I grew up in
44.) It doesn't bother me at all to leave the dishes in the sink overnight.
45.) I think family is most important
46.) I love dogs
47.) I have temper issues
48.) I love a good cup of tea that my mom has brewed
49.) I've been to Greece
50.) I am a morning person
51.) When I found out I was pregnant with twins I was strangely calm. Then the shock set in.
52.) I get alot of headaches
53.) My first job was in borough hall
54.) I drive a mini van and I am proud of it. That thing makes my life so easy
55.) I wear diamond earrings every day
56.) I desperately want to learn to sew with a sewing machine
57.) I am very witty
58.) I am loud, David is not
59.) I think I am wiser beyond my years
60.) I have never run over a squirrel (that is so random)
61.) I would eat out alot if given the opportunity
62.) I always wanted to get married
63.) I cannot read music
64.) I love to buy new purses
65.) Growing up, we had a dog named Buddy.
66.) I always wanted to have a pet rabbit
67.) We vacationed in the Cayman Islands when I was a child
68.) I take really, really, really hot showers.
69.) I sleep on my stomach. Right now, I miss it terribly.
70.) I hate wearing socks or shoes
71.) I don"t follow trends
72.) When I was a child, I had pool parties and ice cream birthday cake
73.) I was given every opportunity to become successful growing up
74.) I cried alot at the end of my pregnancy with Ava and Olivia, I was overwhelmed and scared
75.) I always wanted a sister
76.) My brother gave me away when I got married
77.) Losing my dad never gets any easier
78.) My favorite movie is The Usual Suspects
79.) I had blonde hair as a child and I do not dye my hair as an adult
80.) David and I traveled alot before kids
81.) I have no girl names on my list for this baby, I ran out of ideas
82.) I hate food shopping
83.) If I like a book I can finish it in a day
84.) I do not forget anything
85.) I have a photographic memory...just like my Dad. Though, I hesitate to even compare mine to his...his memory was amazing. But, I sometimes scare people with what I remember.
86.) Most days, I think I'm a great mom.
87.) I like being home with the kids
88.) I love pedicures
89.) I would have a professional massage weekly if I could afford it
90.) I love yellow roses
91.) I think Julia Roberts is a terrible actress
92.) I think Rod Stewart rocks
93.) I do not like thinking of what to make for dinner
94.) I don"t get the whole Ebay thing
95.) I think personal responsibilty is what this country needs
96.) I love the color red.
97.) I only wear white cotton underwear. (TMI) :)
98.) I wear makeup every day
99.) I can imitate any accent although Scottish is my best
100.) Nothing has taught me more in life than becoming a mother
Edited to add that this list was written when I was pregnant with Maeve, thus the reason for the random pregnancy/baby name info.
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