Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I was reading a favorite blog of mine, and her topic was simple pleasures. Create a list of things that make you just oh so happy, no matter how small or silly they may be. Things like, getting a great parking spot or warm clothes out of the dryer. So, here's my list. Feel free to add yours in the comment section.

  • a cup of tea made by my mom
  • a good hair day
  • all the laundry done and put away
  • a mani pedi
  • tucking my girls into bed at night and snuggling while telling silly stories
  • making the green light
  • cleaning the house in my jammies all day and then taking a hot shower and enjoying the tidy house
  • finding money in your winter coat from last season
  • having a new recipe come out right

Oh I'm sure there are many, many more but that's it for now...LOST is almost on..


  1. 1. Sitting down with a good book.
    2. Tasty cup of coffee.
    3. New shade of lipstick.
    4. Cooking with my kids.
    5. Scented candles.
    6. Watching home movies.
    7. Taking a walk.
    8. My children's mispronunciations
    9. Time alone with my husband
    10. GLEE :)

  2. visiting from Kelly's Korner..... great list one of my favorite's is having my windows open on a beautiful spring day!
